Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Restaurant Wars

Its been a while since I posted something about Top Chef. This season has been great so far, the only thing that can really be said right now, is that there are very clear strong chefs and very clear weak chefs. Tonight, in my opinion, was one of the best episodes I have seen yet. I was on the edge of my couch all evening watching.

It started out with the drawing of knifes and then a tag team cook-off challenge. Mike Volt and Jen got the knifes where they go to pick their team mates. Team 1 - Jen, Kevin, Mike Isabella, and Laurene. Team 2 - Robin, Eli and the bros Volt.

The challenge.. each team has 40 minutes .. each team mate 10 minutes to cook, and while the others await their chance to cook they must wear blindfolds. Thus to ensure they have no idea what the previous team mate has prepped for them. It was such a cool challenge. Just to watch what each person does and then to watch the next chefs reaction when they try to figure out what is going on when they get to the prep table.

Ultimately team 1 takes down the win and I really agree that they had the right strategy with the order in which they cooked.

For the elimination challenge.. here it is to the finale its the most anticipated episode of the seasons.. RESTAURANT WARS! The teams are the same. Revolt (thats the name of the bros. restaurant) is INSANE! I meant that in a great way! The chefs all put up really strong dishes and Mike Volt looked HOT doing it! I get that most people probably think his attitude is something similar to Stephan from season 5, but let me tell you.. Amanda likey! I think being confident and talented is tres sexy! When Michael Volt started fighting with Robin I was cheering him on. Robin seriously needs to go, she has ridden the coat tails of everyone on that show all season and I am annoyed just looking at her. AHHH! Bryan Volt has a solid entree and what appeared to be a delicious dessert.. can't go wrong with mint ice-cream. As for Eli, the diners seemed to enjoy him as maitre'd.

As for the other team, they weren't so fortunate. Naming their restaurant Mission was probably the only decent thing they did unless their 'Mission' was to run the restaurant into the ground. Which they would have totally succeeded at. Laurene was in charge of FOH, while Jen picked up 2 fish courses, Kevin had 2 entrees and SEXY MIKE ISABELLA (SMI) did the first 2 courses. Nothing this team did was good although SMI did good enough to be off the judges radar to avoid going home. Mistakes made- broken sauces, undercooked lamb, under seasoned everything, and a front of the house manager who hid in the back while the diners needed attention and explanation. Truth be told if I were her I would have hidden to.

Clearly the winner is REVOLT, which made the diners want to to anything but revolt. Best in the history of the show! Mike Volt takes the win and in a generous move decided to split the money with his team mates. Classy Mike, I heart you!

As for the losers.. I honestly felt for all of them. Its no fun to stand in front of people while they pick apart your food and tell you what you already know (which is you F*&%ed up!). All you can do in that situation is stand there, embarrassed and recognize your mistakes. Going home tonight.. Laurene. Honestly it was either Jen or her and Laurene had all the mistakes of the FOH on her shoulders + a poor dish = going home.

Auf Wiedersehen Laurene.

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