Thursday, May 19, 2011

Best thing I've Read this Week

Not such a cheery disposition today maybe. But this book certainly cheered me up. I Hate Everything. It's a book of things people hate. And it's fun to add your own to the mix.

Here are a few thing's I hate.

I hate when my clothes take too long to dry.
I hate folding laundry.
I hate that I had a marker in my pocket and just spent the last 30 minutes cleaning the ink out of the dryer.


I hate people who drive really fast cars that drive under the speed limit.
I hate that the shoes I want are so expensive.
I hate that I can't do the research, that money doesn't buy happiness. I think it does.


I hate that Gilmore Girls is over.
I hate that Rory didn't end up with Logan.


I hate when people are late.
I hate that I am always early.
I hate that I have no patience.
I hate that every time I spell the word patience.. I sound out Pat- I- Ence. (I remember it being one of my spelling words in 3rd grade and my mom correcting me spelling it).


I hate that I could probably go on listing things I hate.

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Fresh Garden said...

Absolutely fantastic!
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit. :)

allankieffer said...

I hate that I get to see you so rarely!