Sunday, September 20, 2009

shoes, cars, and a dictionary

Do you remember any of those silly assignments teachers used to give you when you were in middle school? When I was in the 6th grade my teacher gave us an art project. The project was basically to trace your shoe and turn it into a vehicle of some sort. So away I go designing my shoe-car. Confident that mine will without a doubt be the most awesome car to grace Snellville Middle School.

Now let me skip to the family I come from... we are awesome. That's it.

So growing up I always looked up to my older brother Scott. Everything he did I wanted to do, every joke he told I retold and took credit. I used to think he was so cool because he had a friend who could drive. Him and his friends used to show up at the house in this bass pounding, red GMC Jimmy. The name of said vehicle... the Pimp Mobile. I thought it was great and cool and I wanted to able to hang out with him and his friends.

Now cut back to me at school.

I draw my shoe-car and name it... thats right folks.. the "Pimp" Mobile. So me and my friend are to switch drawings and present them to the class. My friend gets up and says, "this is Amanda's pimp mobile." And I just sit there and look at how awesome I am for clearly having the best car in the class, and everyone starts laughing at it.

"Why are these people laughing", I say. The teacher has a disgusted look on her face and asks my friend to sit down. Then I am presented with a dictionary and told to look up said word.

I look up the word :PIMP: - (and to this day I'll never forget the definition.) - a person who manages prostitutes. The class waits for my reaction, for the light bulb to go off. But then I start flipping frantically again through the dictionary to look up prostitute.

Apparently. a) I'm not that smart and b) I didn't grow up in a naked house.

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SHANNA said...

oh scott!! he is SUCH a good role model!!!

Johnny D. said...

This story is hysterical! Hey, at least you weren't in college when this happened. :)