Saturday, September 19, 2009

Golden Years

When I was younger my neighbor celebrated a "golden birthday". Have you ever heard of this? Apparently a golden birthday is the birthday that corresponds with the age you are. So for instance.. my birthday is May 28th.. so on my 28th birthday I shall celebrate my "golden birthday". A golden birthday is a once in a lifetime celebration. Its supposed to be utterly fantastic. Everything gilded in gold. A piece Gold Jewelery is usually presented to the Birthday girl/boy. I never celebrated my bat mitzvah so I'm really looking forward to my "golden birthday".

For my 28th birthday I am holding high expectations. Perhaps I should get a golden retriever, eat at golden corral and watch Austin Powers in Goldmember while listening to David Bowie sing golden years. Maybe I'll win a golden globe for my performance in a movie with one of the Golden Girls. I can't wait to be 28. I'm going to make a prophecy right here, right now, that I think that 28 will be my year. The year when everything finally comes together for me.

Have you celebrated your golden birthday yet?

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